🎄 North Pole Magic Portal 🎄

🎅 Elf Touch Permission Portal 🧝
Special Connection Between:
Elfy the Elf and Connor

Dear Connor,

Press the magical button below to request special permission from Santa to touch Elfy.

🌟 Permission Granted! 🌟
Connor, you have Santa's special permission to touch Elfy!
Official North Pole Document #NPE-2024-123
Certified by: Santa Claus & Elfy the Elf
🎄 North Pole Magic Division 🎄
🧝 Elf Age Checker 📋

Which elf would you like to check?

(Connecting to North Pole Database...)

Searching North Pole Records...

✨ Age Found in North Pole Records! ✨

Official North Pole Document #NPE-AGE-2024
Verified by: Santa's Record Keeping Department
🎄 North Pole Archives Division 🎄